Email Marketing

Drag and drop!

It’s as simple as drag, drop, click! Build stunning Emails with our unique drag and drop editor! Drag pre-built sections into your template and edit them inline.

Pictures, text, social media buttons… even video – it’s all been made simple. Everything is hosted for you and there are no upload limits.

Survive the SPAM filter!

In addition to complying with more email best practice processes than any other ESP in the market, the Now Marketing system includes an automatic SPAM and Formatting checking tool, unlimited test sends and email preview functionality as standard to ensure you have the best possible chance of getting your message into the inbox.

Subscriber tracking and reporting

See exactly who has been opening and clicking your Emails, where they open them, and what device and internet connection they’re using.

Automated Google Analytics integration also allows you to estimate return on investment.

Graphs and data galore! Analyse your campaigns to your heart’s content with our advanced reporting features.

Add images, maps, and videos!

Easily upload images, then crop and resize them to fit your Email perfectly. You can add Google maps and YouTube videos too.

Connect your successful business with Cloud Voice & Data. Contact us for professional advice

Our Partners
  • Gamma
  • LG
  • BT
  • Pragma
  • Fidelity Energy
  • DVS
  • HIK Vision
  • Paxton
  • Microsoft